Summary of Raptor Sessions at IWEC:

Black Kite Project

Black Kite Project

The raptor sessions at IWEC helped in getting an overview of the spectrum of questions studied, types of species in focus and the landscapes where the studies were carried out. It also helped raptor ecologists to discuss their work, and network with others on a larger canvas. The raptor group discussed major challenges in raptor conservation including monitoring raptor mortalities and understanding the causes behind the mortalities. The raptor ecologists discussed the need for status surveys for several raptors, using telemetry and other techniques for monitoring raptors and continued networking with raptor ecologists in India.

The first day’s meeting was Raptor Special Interest Group (SIG). Sixteen participants presented their raptor work by presenting the questions, methods, and outcomes of the study in the form of ‘Speed Talks’. Six studies were on owls, four studies were on multi-raptor species, two talks were on fishing eagles, two talks were on vultures, one on the Amur Falcon and one talk on the Black Kite.

On day two we had the Raptor Ecology Open Session with seven talks. Three talks on owls, two talks on multi-species of raptors, one talk on harriers and one talk on vultures. The owl talks included the impact of urbanization on the Barn Owl and Spotted Owlet. Another Owl talk was on the mechanism of resource partitioning among eight species of large and small owls and one talk was on occupancy and habitat selectivity by the Forest Owlet. Multi-raptor species studies included home range, and movement patterns of Greater Spotted Eagle, Indian Spotted Eagle, Pallid Harrier, and Western Marsh Harrier. Another study examined the wintering home range of Montagu’s Harrier. The vulture study discussed the impact of power lines on the White-rumped Vulture. A study on multi-species of raptors examined the impact of pesticides on multi-raptor assemblage.